Since its creation, RETECORK has developed different projects that have been the basis and starting point for its implementation and making itself known. On the other hand, they have also made it possible to offer resources and tools to the different cork territories for the promotion of the sector in their municipalities, as well as universally.
CORKLANDTOUR. Cork, Landscape & Tourism. Social and Tourist Enhancement of Cork Territories – 2014

Through the CORKLANDTOUR. Cork, Landscape & Tourism. An Appreciation of the Corklands, an assessment of their potential to the tourist industry project, which receives the collaboration of the Biodiversity Foundation, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, will discover the world of cork through its municipalities, the natural spaces where they are located and the museums and interpretation centers.
This project aims to promote the local development of the cork territories and raise awareness of the importance and uniqueness of their natural and cultural heritage through tourist enhancement.
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Cork Territories. Cork and cork landscapes as the basis for sustainable development in rural areas – 2010-2013

In 2010, a grant of €573,125.56 was given to the pilot project Cork Territories. Cork and cork landscapes as the basis for sustainable development in rural areas, within the framework of the announcement of the National Rural Network. The project is co-financed by the Ministry for the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs and the EAFRD (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development).
The cork sector and territories are currently facing a series of threats that undermine their competitiveness and that require innovative solutions that improve the quality of forests and pastures, generate new uses of forest resources, diversify the range of processed products , promote the cork stopper and its excellent properties compared to its competitors and promote innovation. Likewise, it is necessary to generate new economic activities in these territories, linked to landscapes and tangible and intangible heritage.
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CorkLab: laboratory of cork design

CorkLab is a research and innovation project looking into possible new applications of cork (either crude or residual) within the context of ecodesign and developed by students and lecturers on the Master’s degree in Design and Architecture at ELISAVA, the Barcelona School of Design and Engineering.
The project, which was approved in February 2011 and which lasted through until May 2012, enjoyed the collaboration of the CatalunyaCaixa Social Fund and is part of the Territorios Corcheros pilot scheme, jointly funded by the Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Maritime Environment and the FEADER.
It was created as a result of the need to design an innovative action aimed at the cork-producing sector as a new channel of development and communication, and of interest to designers and architects due to working with a natural material with a long industrial tradition which preserves the same characteristics.
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RETECORK, European Network of Cork Territories, an instrument for sustainable development in rural areas – 2010

In December 2009, the Biodiversity Foundation gave a grant of €69,697.60, representing 56% of the total budget for the project RETECORK, European Network of Cork territories, an instrument for sustainable development in rural areas. Networking, led by local authorities but with the participation of professional associations, research centers, environmental associations, etc., will facilitate a better understanding of the strategic importance of the cork sector for the promotion of local development in rural areas, the conservation of Mediterranean landscapes and the preservation of the environment.
A major effort must be made to publicize RETECORK, its objectives and the importance of this sector, presenting it to local and regional authorities as well as other political representatives. Also, the whole of Spanish society through the media, opinion leaders, participation in debates, exhibitions, websites and virtual forums, etc.
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Promotion campaign for corks and their recycling – 2009

In 2009 Girona Regional Council awarded Palafrugell Town Council a grant of €11,000 for the pilot campaign to promote corks and their recycling. The initiative was aimed at professionals from the restaurant sector and specialist establishments and to end consumers, raising awareness through a cork recycling campaign.
RETECORK planning and implementation campaign – 2007

In 2007, the Department for Employment of the Generalitat of Catalonia (SOC) gave Palafrugell Town Council a grant of €6,944, representing 70% of the total budget. The purpose of this grant was the production of the corporate image of the Network and its website. The objective of the campaign was based on having the necessary documentation and information elements to present RETECORK to various agents.